Оружие для GTA San Andreas, 426-я страница 0 Agency SPS 12 (Hitman: Absolution) 0 Dexters Ultramax (Hitman: Absolution) 0 Pink Aries Charging Ram (Hitman: Absolution) 0 Sniper Rifle (Hitman: Absolution) 0 Swiss Derringer (Hitman: Absolution) 0 HX AP-15 (Hitman: Absolution) 0 The Absolver (Hitman: Absolution) 0 Worn ZM Model 60 (Hitman: Absolution) 1 Double Action Revolver (Gold) GTA V 0 AKM (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 M16A1 (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 M1911A1 (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 SW 39 Silenced (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 Stevens 620 (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 SVD-63 (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 Nambu Type-14 (Born To Kill: Vietnam) 0 Rocket Launcher GTA V (Army) 0 Rocket Launcher GTA V (Original)